Blog - APGI training Workshop 2019

APGI training Workshop 2019

Another fabulous day on the APGI training workshop and as well as finishing the presentations for the week, we got to talk about one of Lez's favourite theories - the Dunning-Kruger effect; it's in every profession and in every walk of life and once you're aware of it, you're really aware of it.

Looking at the flipchart below I'm sure you recognise, with the benefit of hindsight, times when you've fallen into the Dunning-Kruger effect timeline, or perhaps you recognise the effect in others...

You know those times when you complete a course, or have learned something new, and thought you were the best thing since sliced bread, only to realise, once you'd gained a few years of on the job knowledge, that you were actually still quite wet behind the ears.

Here's to the benefit of hindsight, learning the theory, learning the practical hands-on stuff and then getting years of knowledge and experience under your belt on the path to being expert in the field.

first published 23 September 2019

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Blog - APGI training Workshop 2019

Another fabulous day on the APGI training workshop and as well as finishing the presentations for the week, we got to talk about one of Lez's favourite theories - the Dunning-Kruger effect; it's in every profession and in every walk of life and once you're aware of it, you're really aware of it.

APGI training Workshop 2019

Looking at the flipchart below I'm sure you recognise, with the benefit of hindsight, times when you've fallen into the Dunning-Kruger effect timeline, or perhaps you recognise the effect in others...

You know those times when you complete a course, or have learned something new, and thought you were the best thing since sliced bread, only to realise, once you'd gained a few years of on the job knowledge, that you were actually still quite wet behind the ears.

Here's to the benefit of hindsight, learning the theory, learning the practical hands-on stuff and then getting years of knowledge and experience under your belt on the path to being expert in the field.

first published 23 September 2019

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